reBOOT Canada Operations Update for the Week of March 24, 2020 The safety of our staff, volunteers, donors, clients and program participants is of primary importance. Further to our statement March 19 and announcement of closure of non-essential services by the Government of Ontario yesterday, please read below for an update on current reBOOT Canada availability and operations: 1. Our Peterborough location (251A Charlotte Street) will continue operation under modified hours, closing at 5pm Monday through Friday and closed Saturdays until further notice. At this time our suppliers and 3rd party contractors continue to support our work and we will continue to provide our services to our clients, with a priority on social services, shelters, health and other community support teams. We appreciate your patience as we reallocate resources accordingly. 2. Our Toronto location (Evergreen Brick Works, 550 Bayview Avenue) is closed to the public. We are accessible by phone between 10 am and 4pm Monday to Friday until further notice and able to arrange for pick up of computers by appointment only. 3. Technology Supports for Children, City of Toronto: This program is currently considered a non-essential services and has been suspended temporarily. Please note we will not be able to process any referrals issued after March 19, 2020, until further notice. If you have already been in contact with reBOOT Canada to arrange to receive your computer we hope to complete those requests in the coming days and weeks by appointment. 4. Peel Computers 4 U, Region of Peel: at this time, our Mississauga location is closed to the public and we have suspended weekly computer fulfillment there until further notice. We continue to process requests remotely and are currently in discussion with the Region of Peel to coordinate fulfillment by appointment at an alternate site. 5. reSTART: At this time, our reSTART program remains active. Applications from continue to be monitored and processed, with fulfillment by appointment or arrangements can be made to ship directly as a reduced rate. 6. reLAY: Free Wi Fi hotspots in Peterborough, at the Evergreen Brick Works in Toronto and along Queen St West in Toronto are active and functioning normally. What social distancing looks like: daily average traffic on the reLAY network is down 50% after the March 12th declaration of state of emergency. Thank you Toronto! 7. Youth Tool Kit Skills Development: our current youth staff (2), based in Toronto and Biigtigong, are gaining unexpected but useful experience working remotely. At this time there are no plans to suspend this program while our participants are safe in their communities. reBOOT Canada’s core funding comes from the donation of retired IT Assets and the operation of our computer sales and service social enterprise. While residential pick-ups are still suspended indefinitely, we are equipped to proceed with institutional and corporate donors to schedule planned pick ups on a case by case basis and we are able to continue serving the Peterborough/Kawartha Lakes/Durham community. We appreciate your continued support and are currently ready to assist if and as required. Please note that all administrative functions at reBOOT Canada will continue without interruption during regular business hours for the time being. We appreciate your patience during this time and thank you for your ongoing support, if you have any questions please call us at 416 534 6017 or email and please continue to refer to…/… for the most current and accurate information on the pandemic in Canada. Thank you,
The reBOOT Canada Team