reBOOT Canada’s ‘Class of 2018’

The passing year has seen a number of new faces at reBOOT Canada. Arriving as fresh-faced high school coop placements (Brayden, Cameron, Evan, Isaac, George, and Justin) and Youth Tool Kit interns (Destiny and Nicole), our ‘Class of 2018’ has become an accomplished cadre of eager young protégés who continue to demonstrate the mettle of their acquired skillset.

While training at our Toronto (Brick Works) and Peterborough locations, our most recent inductees have been gaining experience by witnessing, and conducting, a myriad of real-time in-store transactions and interactions. They are receiving and itemizing donations with increasing efficiency. They are servicing computers with confidence, in support of reSTART, reSOURCE, and Peel Computers 4 U initiatives. They are providing technical instruction to guide callers over the telephone. These are but some of the contributions our ‘Class of 2018’ make, every single day, to support their personal development, and our commitment to bridge the digital divide.

To our newest team members, we appreciate the efforts you have made, and continue to make. We have seen our operational capacity grow – to the benefit of our clientele – largely, because of you. With your help we are refurbishing more computers, and offering more assistance to more Canadians than ever before.

Thank you ‘Class of 2018’ for your hard work, and dedication to reBOOT Canada, over the past twelve months. Enjoy your holidays – you’ve earned them!